
Narrow and Wide Band Shunt Tester

The Model 322 Narrow and Wide Band Shunt Tester is a field-portable device, used primarily on-track, with an accuracy specification of +/- 3%, plus or minus one digit.

It is an excellent option for detecting:

  1. Major detuning caused by water leakage; surge damage; loose internal connections, etc.
  2. Low attenuation, caused by the above.
  3. Mislabelled shunts and couplers.
  4. Shunts that are affecting overlapped circuits.
  5. DC leakage, causing problems with DC track circuits.
  6. Identifying shunts/couplers that are OK [therefore speeding the process of elimination].
  7. Whether shunts/couplers and their related transmitters align properly.

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